“Times have changed he said , you need to reskill or upskill, the future of work is upon us already!… We are in that time that TECH and AI are about take over”

Adisa Joshua Oyelakin
3 min readMay 28, 2021

So Josh you will still have something to do that's related to tech!!! this was what I was asking myself as I listened to Mr. Kitan David of future academy Africa as he explained UIUX and about the future of work to us on my first day. Before time I used to think the tech guys were only the programmers the Java script guys, python guys and many more programming languages(lol) but you know what I tried doing front end for a while it just didn’t sink into me or I didn’t just have interest in it. That how I gave up in the idea of ever going to be a tech guy but today I began to see things differently as I learnt about UIUX designers how that we even make the work easier for the programmers when solving a particular user problem. What excited me the most was the fact that we have to understand the users and we have to design a solution for the user which needs creativity and empathy and a lot of research of which I like doing normally. Let me take you back a little(lol).

I choose electrical engineering while I wanted to sign up for my undergraduate study just because of the passion to disassemble things bring them back to life and see that thing work.. It brought me joy as a kid when I would just take a lamp and break it down and try reassembling it and many time than o I never got it right and my parents beat me a lot then but I just loved to process of scattering things and bringing it to life… My parents almost killed that passion in me at that point… I am sure not the only one that had a lot of passion as kid, so in my high school I heard a lot that I was good at talking and communicating that I would be good lawyer! That got into my head also and wanted to be lawyer until I found out I hated history and was very bad at dates that how I dropped the picture of being a lawyer. But you know what I did a lot of debate in my high school days and guess what am still a shy person …lol.. Another thing I really did in my high school days was the adviser guy had a lot of friends that would always come to me for advice in their secondary relationship and I would advice them, I really loved it then when I just talked to people about their relationship and their deep life , it made me feel like an Albert Einstein but funny enough I never had a girlfriend yet I was able to help people in theirs (lol).Enough of the past but am sure you got the point.

Majorly I empathized with people a lot and loved listening to people a lot of which these are part of the soft skills needed to be a good UI/UX designer/engineer. A whole lot of things excited me about UIUX like the nfact you can work remote, the pay(lol) and how it make you a better person because of the fact it is goal centric and much more. I know its not going to be an easy ride but am willing to put in the commitment needed so as to be an expert in this field.

So yeah this is a sure path to global relevance and impact!!!

Cheers to me as I walk this path to global relevance!!!




Adisa Joshua Oyelakin
Adisa Joshua Oyelakin

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